Low back pain is a disease, which is one of the most widespread in the world. Most people after the age of 35 have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in one form or another. Lately the trend is on the increase in the number of those who suffer from a severe form of the disease and for the rejuvenation of the disease, reduction of the age threshold. This is due to the fact that a growing number of people around the world who are involved in a sedentary job and leads a sedentary lifestyle. In the meantime, the disease is quite dangerous, and every man should know, what is low back pain, how it manifests itself and how it is treated, knowing how to recognize the symptoms and early treatment.

The causes of cervical osteoarthritis
Back pain is one of the few diseases that are typical only for man. Other animals this disease does not occur. The reason for this is a distinguishing feature of the man, how to walk upright. The vertical position of the spine leads to the fact that the vertebrae under pressure to each other and of the system of the muscle and cartilage of the vertebral column gradually degrades and deforms. The human spine beginning with the cervical spine. This is the only department seven vertebrae – from the first to the seventh. The vertebrae are separated from one another by the intervertebral discs. The cervical spine is particularly vulnerable to its part, which concerns, in the first place, with a greater mobility of the vertebrae in this field. In the cervical region the disease is reflected, first of all, to discs, which are the weak point in the structure of the spine. The prevalence of arthrosis of the cervical factors also contribute, such as the small size of the vertebrae and the relative weakness of the muscles of the neck. Also for the development of cervical osteoarthritis a large impact on the failure vascularization of cartilage tissue. In this way, the development of the disease is complex and time-consuming process and does not have a single cause. Although a link between a sedentary work, the person and the presence of arthrosis of the cervical spine, however, the disease is not rare and not trained people, especially athletes due to the increased load on the cervical spine during the lifting of weights. In older people, usually, the degradation of vertebrate structures – is an inevitable process associated with aging of the body and of the security forces. However, it is the most frequent pathological type of cervical degenerative disc disease, in which the main role is played by external or internal negative factors.
The factors that contribute to the development of degenerative disc disease of the neck:
- Disorders of posture
- The curvature of the spine
- A back injury
- Overweight
- Heavy physical work
- A sedentary work
- Sedentary life-style
- Violation of the metabolic processes
- Frequent hypothermia
- The uncomfortable posture during sleep
- Stress, overwork
- Genetic factors
- Infectious diseases
- The individual characteristics of the structure of the body, for example, and it's too long or too short neck
The degree of development of cervical osteoarthritis
The disease has four stages. It is not always easy to determine the stage of the disease for the analysis of the symptoms, as well as, at times, the degree of degradation of the fabric osteocartilagineo may not correspond with the symptoms observed in the patient.

The first degree of
Begin the destructive processes of the system osteo-cartilaginous tissue to the vertebrae. Usually, in this phase of the degenerative disc disease of the cervical mild symptoms. Sick or not notice them or does not bind with the diseases of the spinal column, and attributed to stress and fatigue.
The second degree
Start by reducing the height of the disc, on its surface crepe. The symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis in this phase manifest themselves in constant pain, weakness, ... the torpor of the individual zones of the face.
The third degree
Form hernia of the damaged disk in the cervical blood vessels and muscles. The patient will appear dizziness, pain in the back of the head.
The fourth degree
Appear osteophytes – bone tissue proliferation, to protect the vertebrae of the load, which leads to the denial of the nerves. This leads to stiffness of the movements and damage to the joints adjacent.
Cervical back pain: the symptoms
The main symptoms of osteoarthritis of the cervical spine:
- Pain in the neck and shoulders
- The weakness of the muscles
- Increased sweating
- Numbness in the hands
- The violation of the coordination
- Dizziness
- The deterioration of sight and hearing
- Increase in blood pressure
- Headaches
These are typical for cervical osteoarthritis the symptoms can be present in all stages of the disease. In most of the cases it was observed only some of the symptoms of the list, and the rest can miss the Man, for the first time in front of similar signs of disease, it is not always suspect the same cervical back pain. Therefore, you can have access to various doctors, psychologists, cardiologists, neurologists, surgeons. And the correct diagnosis, therefore, can be delivered with considerable delay.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical meets the different syndromes, i.e., typical of the state, with a complex of characteristic signs. They manifest themselves depending on what nerves and arteries are affected by the disease:
- the vertebral artery syndrome
- a cardiac catheter is syndrome
- hypertensive syndrome
- syndrome radicular
- the syndrome of migraine, cervical
The vertebral artery syndrome is one of the most unpleasant and dangerous complications with osteochondrosis of the cervical. It is due to the fact it reduces the flow of blood through the arteries, passing along the spine and nourish the brain. The syndrome is manifested in such symptoms, as the system is periodic or dizziness, weakening of hearing and sight. In some cases, you may experience seizures. Often observed as a variant of the syndrome, and concluded that, under normal conditions, the blood flow in the artery is normal, but when you turn the head in one direction or in the other, you can drop off dramatically. A cardiac catheter is syndrome develops with injury to the nerve roots, applying the stimulus of the diaphragm or pectoral muscle. As a result, the patient may experience pain, similar to the cardialgia, even if the direct impact on the heart when this does not happen. However, the syndrome can be characterized by phenomena such as tachycardia, hypotension, and arrhythmias. Hypertension syndrome is also one of the most dangerous complications. Unlike vertebral artery syndrome, has convened the compression of the arteries and veins, which hinders the outflow of blood from the head. The syndrome causes an increase in intracranial pressure, which can manifest in symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and headache. The syndrome of migraine cervical has little to do, for its etiology with the classic migraine. It occurs more severe pain in the back of the head. The pain is colicky in nature, lasting up to ten hours and are accompanied by vomiting. Syndrome radicular – the most common is the syndrome of osteochondrosis of the cervical. It is called compression of individual nerve roots in the cervical vertebrae. You can be in pain in the area of the neck, nape of the neck, of the shoulder blades, shoulders, and ... the sluggishness and the weakening of the tone of the individual sections of the hand (up to the impossibility to perform some kind of manipulation) and of the neck. Very often you can observe different syndromes or single symptoms, are specific for the different syndromes. As we have seen, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the manifestations of the disease are many and not always the sick person is able to recognize correctly for him the cause of their appearance. If you experience similar symptoms, then this is the reason to seek medical attention.

For the diagnosis it is recommended that you consult a doctor. He will give you a referral – orthopaedic technician, the spine, a neurologist. For the diagnosis applies to the following types of research:
- X-ray
- Computed tomography
- Magnetic tomography
- Ultrasound of the neck vessels
The radiography allows to determine the displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of growths – osteophytes and scale, of the sealing disks. The computed tomography is to create a series of x-ray images, giving a three-dimensional representation of an organ, in this case – on the cervical spine. It allows detailing the degree of the pathological process – the forecast of the crushing of the nerves, the structure of osteophytes, the height of the disks, etc, tomography, Magnetic resonance imaging, based on a physical effect of nuclear magnetic resonance, gives even more structural framework of the vertebral column. ULTRASOUND of the neck vessels helps to identify changes in blood flow in the large vessels of the neck, caused by the disease.
Treatment of cervical arthrosis in the house
How to cure back pain, cervical in the house and treated them all? To combat the disease, medicine has developed a lot of methods. Some of the treatment methods, you can use at home. But this long-term process and a complete cure is unlikely, especially in advanced age. However, slow down and stop the destructive processes in the spine is possible at any stage of the disease. In the early stages of the disease methods, usually, conservative. For the treatment of cervical osteoarthritis are used in different ways:
- Drugs
- Therapeutic exercise
- Physiotherapy
- Massage
- Special funds for the fixing of the spinal column
If the disease is passed in the final stage, and occurs as a severe destruction of the bones and the cartilage structure of the spinal column, for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical can be applied and surgery.
Apply the following types of medications:
- Chondroprotectors
- Vitamins
- Painkillers
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Antispasmodics

Acute painful syndrome, related to osteochondrosis, the priority is its resolution. As a general rule, apply the oral medications, such as Analgesic or Baralgin, however, when their inefficiency in the most serious cases -is used novocaine block. When the muscle cramps you can apply anti-spasmodics. Maximum efficiency with osteochondrosis shows created against this disease, the medicine, even if it is possible, and the use of other muscle relaxants. As an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, it is possible to use ointments containing non-steroidal. In the presence of syndromes associated with problems of circulation and blood flow to the brain – hypertensive and vertebral artery syndrome, accept medicines, to relieve the side effects of these syndromes – funds, lowering of blood pressure and nootropics funds.
Therapeutic exercise
Physiotherapy – the simplest and most accessible type of treatment, cervical osteoarthritis and, at the same time, quite effective. Treatment exercise can be done in-house. Osteochondrosis intensity, does not play a decisive role, it is only necessary to their regularity. In the first place, the exercise is designed to strengthen the muscles of the neck, which can compensate for the lack of functionality of the spinal column and help to keep the vertebrae weakened. To strengthen the muscles of the neck are recommended daily activities. They can be very simple, consisting of twists and tilts the head in different directions, and the more complex, such as the support of the neck muscles on the part of the hands. You can perform at home and at work. For example, if the work is sedentary, it is useful to do these exercises after hours of sitting at a desk or a monitor. However, in order to accomplish them it is possible only outside the period of acute illness and in the absence of pain. Otherwise, they can only worsen the condition. Not less effective and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, for example, by means of lessons on regular handlebars light. However, lifting weights (free weights, barbells) is contraindicated. Also available in regular swimming lessons, unloading the spinal column.
Physiotherapy – a method of treatment that uses the impact on the physical body, fields, and radiation. Positive physiotherapy is the one that has the minimum number of contraindications. For the treatment of degenerative disc disease, the following methods of physiotherapy:
- Ultrasound impact
- Laser therapy.
- The effects of the magnetic field
- Effects of electric current (electrophoresis)
The magnetic field has a positive effect on the damaged tissue of the body and has anti-inflammatory properties and an analgesic effect. The ultrasound improves the metabolic processes in the tissues, relieves the swelling. The same can be said for the laser therapy. Electrophoresis is most often used in combination with medications, because the application of an electrical current accelerates their absorption by the body.

Massage reduces the increase of the muscular tone, the caller spasm, and reduces the flow of lymph, the caller swelling. The procedure helps to improve the blood circulation in the affected area, which stops the process of destruction of the intervertebral disc.
Other methods of treatment
Do with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, if the traditional methods of home treatment does not help? To reduce the load on the cervical spine, it is applied a special device – the collar of the Pit, which closes the neck in a constant normal position. Its recommend that you wear during exacerbations when pain syndrome or with the times of sedentary work. In order to avoid exacerbations, you should also arrange a place to sleep. The cushion should not cause the curvature of the neck, and the mattress should be rigid and smooth. In some cases, can help special devices for the sleep – mattresses mattress and pillow.